Sunday, November 20, 2011

Future of TV

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine who works at a local TV station and I were talking about what we thought the future of TV was, because of all the different services like Hulu and Netflix coming about. I mentioned that I had watched the Amanda Knox court decision handed down streamed live from Italy on my iPhone. I stated I thought live streaming on mobile devices and computers is the way that all TV stations are going to be presenting their content in the future and eventually no one would have a TV. Everyone would just watch the networks and local affiliates on their computer or mobile device.

After that conversation even more evidence has come about to help support my claim. I watched the court decision being handed down in the Conrad Murray case streamed live on my iPhone, and watched the red carpets of "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" and the American Music Awards (AMA) streamed live on my computer.

I will not be suppressed if within the next 20 years there will no longer be TVs and everyone is watching "TV" on their computers or mobile device.

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