Friday, November 18, 2011

Opinion of the Media

Last night I posted: 
Moonwhisper is Within Temptation tribute band from Brazil.  I came across them when I was on twitter (@TPapageorgeo) and their lead singer Tyta Montrase tweeted "@WTofficial i have a tribute band here in brazil too, about 8 years now! Hope u guys know that! youtube channel <moonwhisper> ;)".

I looked them up on youtube.  They are horrible.  On a scale of one (1) to ten (10) with ten being the best I would give the band (excluding Tyta the lead singer) a 3.  However, Tyta sounds like a cat being drowned and I would give her a 1.  If she tried out for American Idol, she would be one of those the producers would leave in the show to show how bad some auditions were.  

I can not believe they have been around for eight years.  Moonwhisper needs stop playing.  They are doing a big disservice to Within Temptation by being a horrible tribute band.  
After every blog post, I tweet about it.  The tweet from last night read:
This morning I got a response from Tyta Montrase, the lead singer on Moonwhisper, saying: 
@ TPapageorgeo  u can have ur opinion as u like. ;)

The way I am reading her response is she doesn't care that I do not like them and gave them a negative review.  She should though.  Many people read review blogs and websites like Rotton Tomatoes, Ain't It Cool News, and other review websites like mine (mine is read by people in seven countries on four continents) and take them seriously.  If people read a negative review on their site of choice they will not buy the album, see the concert or movie, etc.  On the contrary if a persons' site of choice gives the album, movie, concert etc. a good review people will be more likely to go to the concert/movie or buy the album.

In short, people should care about what bloggers and the media have to say about them, since bloggers and the media have a big affect on what the public think about bands, movies, and TV shows.   

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